Market Update – May 2023
It’s our goal to be as communicative and transparent as possible with our clients. In addition to the Market Update newsletter you are receiving, we will now be sending you regular videos so you can stay across what’s happening in your portfolio. Going forward, we expect each video to be around three minutes in duration so they don’t take too much time out of your busy day (being the first, this one is a little longer –there was a fair bit to update!).
We welcome any feedback, so please get in touch if you have any suggestions of how we can improve our communication with you.
The contents of this publication are only intended to provide a summary and general overview of matters of interest in the financial markets and in the economy and are distributed in order to promote broad discussion. The publication does not constitute investment or financial product advice, it does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase a financial product or financial service, nor does it of itself create a client-financial adviser relationship. To the extent that any part of the contents of this publication may be said to constitute “general advice” we warn you not to act on any matter referred to in this publication without first seeking qualified financial product advice appropriate to your particular circumstances, needs and objectives before acting or relying on any content in this publication. TWD Licensee Services Pty Ltd (ABN 88 605 064 480 – AFSL 475964) makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content of this publication, and excludes, to the maximum extent permissible by law, any liability which may arise as a result of the use of the content of this publication.